Summer is in full swing!

We'd like to welcome Matthew Walters (MSgt Retired U.S. Air Force) to our board of director's team! Matt's passion for helping military families continues with our mission and supporting the Military and Family Support Center at Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI.
The Top 5 Military Benefit Updates You Should Know About
1. DoD Scholarships for Mil-Spouses
The FY’21 NDAA expanded the DoD My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship to allow eligible military spouses to use the funds (up to $4,000) for national tests and continuing education credits in pursuit of a career/occupation.
Approved members can also use the funds to cover licenses, certifications, and associate degrees.
To apply, visit the Spouse Education & Career Opportunities Military OneSource MyCAA page
MyCAA Scholarship Fact Sheet:
2. Waves of Honor: Free Tickets
The Waves of Honor program provides an active duty member + 3 dependents 1 free admission per year to Busch Gardens, SeaWorld, or Sesame Place!
Learn more
3. Free Flight Ticket Home Award - Ben Jackson Foundation
The Ticket Home Award from The Ben Jackson Foundation sponsors enlisted members with a FREE ticket home!
1. Enlisted member of any branch of the US Armed Forces🇺🇸
2. You meet ONE of the following criteria:
a) You have been in the military less than four years
b) You have not yet been home since arriving at your first permanent duty station.
"We want to recognize our military, and we want to make sure they have the chance to visit home."— Larry Jackson, Founder
Learn More & Apply
To support this great mission
4. DoD In-Home Child Care Pilot Program
The DoD In-Home Child Care Pilot Program is now available for military families in the National Capitol Region, Hawaii, San Diego (CA), Norfolk (VA), and San Antonio (TX).
Learn more program details at
Learn about more Military Family Consideration programs at
5. Free Viewing of the Tokyo Olympics
Free viewing of the Tokyo Olympics for all military families with an active Shop My Exchange account – games end Aug 8th.
As always thank you for your support!
Jeff Mitchell
CEO, BLUF Military Benefits
